Hey Cindy! we are doing great post detox and just wanted to say THANK YOU!! This was life changing for me. I thought we ate pretty “clean” but learned so much about our eating habits and what our bodies need (& don’t need) for peak performance. Thanks for the program and the support- you are amazing!

Jann Kindel

This shake is my new best friend. With sugar out of my diet and this amazingly balanced shake, I’ve now lost 3 pounds in 5 days. I’ve been exercising in the morning, and then having the shake at about 10. I’m full until 3. Love it! I’m so happy to find you when I did! Feeling better than I have for a long time, I have lots of energy.


Today I made a smoothie to help us with the repetition of “eggs for breakfast”- 1 tbsp coconut oil , 2tbsp of almond butter, chia, green banana, almond milk, ice and a splash of vanilla/ cinnamon. After a week of cashews/pistachios in the hotel… It was like manna from Heaven! Thanks for the recipes and encouragement- we are over the hump! Day 6!


It’s been 6 months since my last review and thought another one was due. The 30 lbs is still off but being compulsive I decided to do the 21 day sugar detox. Being a sugar addict and occasionally getting hypoglycemic I thought “why not”. The first few days were not bad but miss not having fruit more then sugar. Cindy was right, day 4 and 5 had some minor headaches but they did eventually go away (nothing major).

Learning to read labels and that has been very educational; never realized what I “really” was eating. My energy went down for the first 6 days, not alot but noticed it making me feel like I was “dragging”. Started making some food adjustments to compensate with Cindy’s recommendation and energy got better. Mind you being the compulsive person I never backed off my workouts and Cindy mentioned I might taper down a bit while doing the detox.

Now I am in day 10 and feeling better and not really missing the sugar but missing fruit. The office is still loaded sometimes with the pies, donuts and fruit but I have been good on it so far and lost 5 more pounds. I picked 35 (actually my total weight loss so far, how weird is that)pounds of cherries off my tree and never ate one…can’t wait till day 22. It’s nice to have a coach to help, council and encourage you through this..thanks Cindy.“

Mark Ballard

This is the end of my first week of detox. My daughter got me interested in doing the sugar detox. I just wanted to let you know what I have seen this last week. My husband and I actually started on the 2nd instead of the 1st.

I am a 60 year old woman with Diabetes and have high blood pressure. I have very little energy and have been diagnosed with IBS and have been sick EVERY DAY for the last 2 1/2 years to my stomach. I weighed 225 lbs when I started this last Monday.

I have lost 12 lbs
I have not been sick to my stomach at all – not one day this last week
My energy level is up, I even went to an “Introduction to scuba diving on Saturday
I have been sleeping better
I just feel better overall
Came in to work today and had 3 people tell me right off how good I looked.
I also have very bad peeling lips for about 5 years now and this whole week I have not had that problem
It’s amazing the difference in me. I just wanted to say thank you. By the way, my husband lost 9 pounds this week. We have made a commitment to continue this, (with maybe a weekend cheat), after the 21 days, to continue eating this way from now on.“


Thanks for the new recipes. I have enjoyed the experience this week. Yesterday my energy levels were through the roof, today…not as much but I know that’s part of the process.

I have already seen a physical difference – hands/face not retaining as much water and stomach less bloated. The motivation for doing this was to begin a weight loss program. This is not my first rodeo with weight loss – I have been struggling for 18 years (when I turned 40) and even more so the last 9 years (since entering menopause). Finding what my body will respond to has been difficult.

I felt the cleanse was a great way to get a baseline from which to begin again. It seems though that the cleanse and style of eating itself may be what my body WILL respond to. So far, so good. How bad can it be if I can have black beans and rice?! I have stayed away from beans in the past but have really enjoyed the reintroduction of garbanzo and black beans back into my diet this last week.“


For anyone who wants to eat better, live more easily, lose weight and keep it off, NMHealthCoach is a wonderful option. Cindy takes a no-nonsense practical approach that is tailored to your goals. The broad-based approach is not preachy, no gimmicks – only good advice and follow up with impressive sophistication.

I met my goal for weight loss in two months and have kept it off even during holidays and on vacations. Thanks to Cindy, I eat better with more choices that are all a joy to eat. There is minimal pain; I rarely felt hungry. I was no longer starving myself, often the advice was to eat more! With NM HealthCoach guidance, I want to continue because I like what I eat, how to shop for food and how to mix in exercise. NM HealthCoach is a marvel.“


Way ahead of New Year’s resolutions and here’s why. Back in May of 13 I contacted nmhealthcoach.com and wanted to find a program that “actually” works “long term”. A program that does not require me to eat meat for 30 days, eat just vegetables for 30 days, tell me how to exercise (I know that already)and a program that will understand me personally and not throw me into the pack of others. I have struggled with diets for over 45 years, you name it, I did it.

Cindy sat down with me and did a complete analysis of my needs and wants as well as history of of my family (that’s different). She set up a program for me to follow and after the first 4.5 weeks I lost 20 pounds. Feeling very happy I went on vacation to see my large family and “show” my results. Well after a week of vacation I came back 8 pounds heavier and was upset.

Called my health coach and Cindy got me back on track and in a week the 8 pounds were gone. I was so happy that I decided to go another 10, what was I thinking? Cindy worked hard with me to coach me through because I was a bear during this time, I was getting tired and frustrated to get the next ten but she adjusted my diet and helped me lose another 10 pounds in 4 weeks.

This previous period was May-Aug of last year and today I am still 30 pounds lighter. Yes I fluctuated at times of a 3-4 pound swing but each time I called my coach, each time she got me back on track. I am so committed to the process and filled with the knowledge she has taught me that I can see when and where I slip and make the adjustments to stay 30 pounds lighter.

I am the lightest I have been in 35 years, was 238 now 208, lost 4.5 inches on my waist and never felt better. In fact when I feel the “urge” to go off track I feel like crap and know I need to get back on track.
NM Healthcoach.com taught me how to eat, what foods to eat, how certain foods interact with others, how organic is much better and the confidence I will NEVER go back where I was. There is an inner voice telling me to maybe go another 10 well maybe 8 (lol).

You can stop looking, this is where you need to be; thanks NMHealthCoach.com.“


I just enjoyed a bowl of Cindy’s dhal soup; absolutely delicious… and when she explained the benefits of the various ingredients, I was amazed. There is much to learn from Cindy, and I am looking forward to it!

Louis Bledsoe

Cindy, thank you so much for your guidance as I ventured down the path of nutrition. I most appreciated your response to all my “why’s” and “what is the purpose” questions. The recipes you provided set me up for success and I now feel confident that I understand the nuances of eating certain foods and the nutritional value of each. At 74 years old I feel and look healthier than when I was 50!!! I did not set out to lose weight, just to eat healthier. The bonus was a loss of 20 lbs over the last 6 months (so far).Again, thank you for your knowledge and guidance